As we age, our bodies go through different changes that are beyond our control. We gradually loss our firm, spotless, “perfect” shapes that we once had as teenagers; especially after pregnancy and childbirth. Most women end up losing their confidence and developing low self esteem because they can’t stand what they see when they look at the mirror. Although we can not fix most of those changes, it is still possible to look good and be confident, first of all by believing in who God says you are (you are beautiful, fearfully and wonderfully made), secondly by finding the right type of clothing for your body type, and thirdly, by using shape wears; aka body shapers, which this post is all about.

7 Benefits of Shape Wears
1- Back Support
For people who suffer from back pain, shape wears have been proven to help tremendously in relieving back pain while at the same time providing support to the backbone. Doctors have recently been prescribing shape wears to people with chronic back pain and they have been experiencing very positive results from regular use.

2- Improves Posture/Body Alignment
Shape wears provides good body posture and prevents bending over. A good posture prevents dis-alignment which could cause health problems to the vertebra. Every time I wear a shape wear, it automatically forces my body to  maintain a good posture, whether I am running, walking or sitting.

3- Hour Glass Appearance
For those who desire to look like models, some shape wears have the capability of giving you that instant hour glass appearance, that makes you look like you have a perfect # 8 figured shape. some of them would give you an instant breast and butt lift, which is a free, safe, and natural alternative to buttock injections and plastic surgery.

4- Weight Loss
Shape wears could be used to compliment a weight loss regiment. If worn during meals ( not too tight), it compresses the stomach, providing the feeling of satiety quicker, thereby preventing a person from eating large quantities of food at a time. Shape wears help tighten abdominal muscles and increase the ability to loss water weight and burn fat around the abdominal area when worn during workouts (not all types of shape wears are suitable for workout).

5- Waist Training
When worn regularly for a long period of time, a permanent reduction in size of the waist line can be achieved. This mostly works well with corsets.

6- It Boost Your confidence
Shape wears provide an instant slimmer appearance while masking those parts of your body that you do not want to be visible under your clothes. Looking good in clothing without bulging body parts can help boost a person’s confidence and increase his/her self-esteem.

7- Clothes Fit Better
The instant trim that shape wears provide helps you fit into smaller size clothing that you would normally not fit into. They give you another chance of fitting into that favourite party gown that has been sitting in your closet for a long time waiting for you to lose that baby weight or those extra pounds which seem very impossible.

Please take note that there are several types of shape wears, suitable for different purposes. If you use them wrongly, they might hurt your body or you might not rip any benefits. For instance, it is not advisable to wear a steel boned corset while exercising because it could cause injury. On the other hand, a plastic boned corset, and neoprene waist trimmer are very effective for workout.

Watch out for my next article about the different types of shape wears and how to use them.

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